5 free Microsoft Excel digital marketing reporting templates

Supermetrics for Excel is an intuitive, fast and convenient tool which brings your data from all the major marketing platforms, like Facebook, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Instagram and more, into Excel in just a few clicks.

And now we’re introducing five of our most popular reporting templates for Excel, which will help you get started with your reporting in this spreadsheet tool even faster. Here are the templates we will cover, click on the name of the template to jump to the relevant section:

Excel is a very powerful data-crunching tool. After you have populated the template with your data you can take advantage of formulas and other functions to dig even deeper into your insights and analysis.

From this article, you will learn what each template will provide you and how you can leverage each tab to uncover useful insights.

How to download & use these free Excel marketing templates

Start by downloading the template or templates you’d like to use. After you have downloaded the template, open the file and go to the “Instructions” tab. Follow the simple step-by-step guide to set it up. Once complete, the template gets populated with your data and you can start using the report.

Let’s get started!

Facebook Ads Overview Excel Template

Facebook Ads Excel template

This monthly template will provide you with a solid overview of your Facebook Ads account performance. On the top of this report, you will see the key numbers for your campaigns – from cost and impression metrics to clicks and conversions’ statistics. Below that, there are trend lines which reflect the development of the above-mentioned metrics.

You can go deeper in your analysis: in the lower section of the report, there is a pivot table reflecting your last 30 days’ campaigns’ performance. Also, you will see from which country clicks on your ads come with an interactive map widget.

If you would like to dive even deeper and see how your campaigns have performed on a given day, head over to the “Data” tab.

This template is perfect for: Performance marketers, social media marketers, and agency marketers who want to get a good overview of their own or client’s Facebook campaigns’ performance.

Google Analytics Excel Template

Google Analytics Excel template

This analytics template is a one-stop-shop for your website overview. You will see user numbers broken down by medium and month which will help you identify how the traffic has been coming from the different sources during the past few months.

On the right side, there are the key metrics, together with their trend line changes over the past 12 months. Additionally, you will see your traffic broken down by segment.

The bottom part of the template provides an excellent overview of page performance of the top 20 landing pages: you will see what was the landing page for each specific traffic source, a 12-month traffic changes’ trend, and the bounce rate number for each page.

This template is perfect for: Conversion specialists, web analysts, or digital marketers who want to get a good understanding of their website traffic behavior.

Google Ads Overview Excel Template

Google Ads Excel template

The Google Ads dashboard will act as a good resource for your or your clients’ account’s health check. You will easily see how the KPI’s are performing over the previous 30-day period and their trend lines will provide you with the background information. In addition, a map breaking clicks by country will help you identify the countries which bring you the biggest amount of traffic.

This template is perfect for: Agency marketers who want to get a good overview of their clients’ accounts or professionals who want to understand how their Google Ads campaigns are running.

Facebook Page Management Dashboard

Facebook page Excel reporting template

If you have a Facebook page you want to monitor this Facebook template is a perfect fit for you. The top scorecards reflect the clicks, reach and likes metrics during the 1-day, 7-day and 30-day period. On the right-hand side you will see a sparkline chart of the engagement metrics where you can select the metric you want to track.

Facebook reporting template for Excel

The template also contains fan metrics which reflect the total likes’ number and your progress towards the page followers target. Post statistics on the right show how much engagement each of your page posts got. You will also see the performance of the last year’s posts and be able to compare them against your recent content’s engagement statistics. Finally, you will get a good overview of your organic, paid and viral reach metrics.

This template is perfect for: Social media managers who want to see their Facebook page performance and find out what type of content engages the audience the most.

PPC Paid Channel Mix Excel Template

PPC mix template Excel

One true superpower of Supermetrics lies in combining data from different marketing platforms and analyzing it in one centralized place.

With Excel, cross-channel marketing reporting can be taken to a whole new level: you can use pivot tables and advanced charting options to extract insights from all your social platforms. If you want to get started easily, then our Paid Channel Mix template is a to-go place: it combines data from Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, Twitter Ads and LinkedIn Ads.

You will see the key metrics (Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Cost and Conversion stats) on the top of the template. Below that, there are breakdowns of metrics per data source and campaign. If you want to go granular and see how a particular campaign on, say, Facebook Ads has performed, you will find product-specific data from each platform’s dedicated tab.

This template is perfect for: Both agency and in-house marketers who run campaigns on multiple social platforms.

Get started with Excel marketing reporting

The five templates will give you a good head start – you will get the look and feel of how Supermetrics for Excel works and will be able to easily kick-start your spreadsheet reporting.

Getting all your marketing metrics into a single report allows you to:

With the help of Supermetrics, you can extract any data from all the major marketing platforms and tweak this data as you need with the help of advanced formula and chart options.

Start your free 14 day trial of Supermetrics for Excel and you’ll get access to our entire feature set.