Financial Statement Analysis

Gibson does not oversimplify financial statements. Rather, he involves students with the material by using real-world examples, with emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of the end result of financial reporting -- financial statements.

Об авторе (1997)

Charles H. Gibson is a certified public accountant with more than 25 years of teaching experience as well as four years of industry experience in practice with a Big Five accounting firm. His teaching has encompassed a variety of accounting courses, including financial, managerial, tax, cost, and financial analysis. Dr. Gibson has written more than 60 articles in such journals as the JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTANCY, ACCOUNTING HORIZONS, JOURNAL OF COMMERCIAL BANK LENDING, CPA JOURNAL, OHIO CPA, MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, RISK MANAGEMENT, TAXATION FOR ACCOUNTANTS, ADVANCED MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, TAXATION FOR LAWYERS, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, and JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. He is a co-author of the Financial Executives Research Foundation Study entitled "Discounting in Financial Accounting and Reporting." Gibson is a member of the American Accounting Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants, Institute of Internal Auditors, and Financial Executives Institute. He has been particularly active in the American Accounting Association and the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Библиографические данные

Название Financial Statement Analysis
Miscellaneous Catalogs Series
Авторы Charles H. Gibson , Brian Gibson
Издание: 7
Издатель Cengage South-Western, 1997
ISBN 053886690X, 9780538866903
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 279
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