The IPAQ is a 27-item self-reported measure of physical activity for use with individual adult patients aged 15 to 69 years old. The IPAQ can be used clinically and in population research that compares physical activity levels between populations internationally.
Depends on number of questions
Initially reviewed by Dawn Miller PT, ATC in April 2015.
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(Craig, 2003; n = 2213 [long form]; 12 countries)
(Rosenberg, 2008; n = 289; mean age 35.9 years)
(Alomari, 1993; n = 111; mean age 20.4 (1.3) years; College-enrolled)
Adults: (Hagströmer, 2006; n = 46, 19-62 years old, mean age 40.7 ± 10.3 years)
(Rosenberg, 2008; n = 289; mean age 35.9 years)
(Rosenberg, 2008; n = 289; mean age 35.9 years)
(Kim, 2013; meta-analysis)
(Hagströmer , 2006; n = 46, mean age 40.7 years – 19-62 years old)
Not assessed. However, because frequency, duration, and intensity of physical activity and sedentary behavior are assessed, the IPAQ is believed to have a high level of content validity (Craig, 2003)
Not assessed. However, excellent to adequate ICC values are consistent with a reliable face validity to assess levels of physical activity
Alomari, M. A., Keewan, E. F., Qhatan, R., Amer, A., Khabour, O. F., Maayah, M. F., & Hurtig-Wennlöf, A. (2011). Blood pressure and circulatory relationships with physical activity level in young normotensive individuals: IPAQ validity and reliability considerations. Clinical And Experimental Hypertension (New York, N.Y.: 1993), 33(5), 345-353. doi:10.3109/10641963.2010.531848
Bermúdez, V. J., Rojas, J. J., Córdova, E. B., Añez, R., Toledo, A., Aguirre, M. A., & . López-Miranda, J. (2013). International physical activity questionnaire overestimation is ameliorated by individual analysis of the scores. American Journal Of Therapeutics, 20(4), 448-458. doi:10.1097/MJT.0b013e318235f1f2
Chastin, S. M., Culhane, B., & Dall, P. M. (2014). Comparison of self-reported measure of sitting time (IPAQ) with objective measurement (activPAL). Physiological Measurement, 35(11), 2319-2328. doi:10.1088/0967-3334/35/11/2319
Craig, C. L., Marshall, A. L., Sjöström, M., Bauman, A. E., Booth, M. L., Ainsworth, B. E., & . Oja, P. (2003). International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 35(8), 1381-1395.
Hagströmer, M., Oja, P., & Sjöström, M. (2006). The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ): a study of concurrent and construct validity. Public Health Nutrition, 9(6), 755-762.
Kim, Y., Park, I., & Kang, M. (2013). Convergent validity of the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ): meta-analysis. Public Health Nutrition, 16(3), 440-452. doi:10.1017/S1368980012002996
Kwak, L., Hagströmer, M., & Sjostrom, M. (2012). Can the IPAQ-long be used to assess occupational physical activity?. Journal Physical Activity Health, 9(8), 1130-1137.
Rosenberg, D. E., Bull, F. C., Marshall, A. L., Sallis, J. F., & Bauman, A. E. (2008). Assessment of sedentary behavior with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Journal Physical Activity Health, 5 Suppl 1S30-S44.
rehabilitation measuresWe have reviewed more than 500 instruments for use with a number of diagnoses including stroke, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury among several others.