2024 Q3: The Book of Mark

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You may download the full lesson quarterly for studying The Book of Mark Adult Bible Study Guide in Kindle format from Amazon. Lesson Author Thomas R. Shepherd, PhD, DrPH, is senior research professor of New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University. He and his wife, Sherry, have two grown children and six grandchildren. Dr Shepherd also wrote the companion book by the same name. Ellen G. White notes for The Book of Mark are available in Kindle format from Amazon.

This Quarter’s Weekly Lesson Contents: The Book of Mark.
July, August, September 2024

Table of Contents
# Weekly Lessons Teachers Comments Dates
01 The Beginning of the Gospel Teachers Comments Jun 29 – Jul 05
02 A Day in the Ministry of Jesus Teachers Comments Jul 06 – Jul 12
03 Controversies Teachers Comments Jul 13 – Jul 19
04 Parables Teachers Comments Jul 20 – Jul 26
05 Miracles Around the Lake Teachers Comments Jul 27 – Aug 02
06 Inside Out Teachers Comments Aug 03 – Aug 09
07 Teaching Disciples: Part I Teachers Comments Aug 10 – Aug 16
08 Teaching Disciples: Part II Teachers Comments Aug 17 – Aug 23
09 Jerusalem Controversies Teachers Comments Aug 24 – Aug 30
10 The Last Days Teachers Comments Aug 31 – Sep 06
11 Taken and Tried Teachers Comments Sep 07 – Sep 13
12 Tried and Crucified Teachers Comments Sep 14 – Sep 20
13 The Risen Lord Teachers Comments Sep 21 – Sep 27

Principal Contributor Thomas R. Shepherd | Editor Clifford R. Goldstein |
Associate Editor Soraya Homayouni | Publication Manager Lea Alexander Greve |
Editorial Assistant Sharon Thomas-Crews | Art and Design Lars Justinen

© 2024 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. All rights reserved. No part of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Standard Edition) may be edited, altered, modified, adapted, translated, reproduced, or published by any person or entity without prior written authorization from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. The division offices of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® are authorized to arrange for translation of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, under specific guidelines. Copyright of such translations and their publication shall remain with the General Conference. “Seventh-day Adventist,” “Adventist,” and the flame logo are registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® and may not be used without prior authorization from the General Conference. The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide is prepared by the Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The preparation of the guides is under the general direction of the Sabbath School Publications Board, a subcommittee of the General Conference Administrative Committee (ADCOM), publisher of the Bible study guides. The published guide reflects the input of a worldwide evaluation committee and the approval of the Sabbath School Publications Board and thus does not solely or necessarily represent the intent of the author(s). For questions and concerns about the Adult Bible Study Guide, please contact the Editor of the Bible Study Guide, Clifford R. Goldstein

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