Editing Multiple Design Objects

Altium Designer provides a range of editing tools and capabilities that have been designed to help with making large-scale edits to a design. The main tools for large-scale or global edits in Schematic, Schematic Symbol, PCB and PCB Footprint editors are the corresponding Filter panel, List panels and Find Similar Objects capabilities.

The process of editing multiple items in Altium Designer involves three steps:

  1. Select the objects to be targeted.
  2. Inspect the properties of those objects.
  3. Edit the properties that need to be amended.

With this editing paradigm in mind, Altium Designer offers a range of different ways to select, inspect, and edit multiple objects. Each method has its strengths and by having an understanding of how they work, you are equipped to choose the method that is most applicable to your specific editing challenge.

Selecting Objects

Objects can be selected in a variety of ways and they all fall into two categories: