CE Requirements by State

Self-study permitted. No limit.Teaching credit permitted.Up to 2 hrs. of volunteer service in dental setting permitted.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (up to 4 hrs.) Maximum of 3 hrs. practice or risk management allowed. Addt. 2 hours for Restorative permit

$70$75 for DH Infiltration Permit Renewal

Oct. 1 each year

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

12 hrs. self-study permitted.8 hrs. of volunteer work at an AL nonprofit permitted (1 credit per 4 hrs.) 4 hrs/year Max. 8hrs CE/day

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR max. 4 years 2 hrs. infectious disease control. Max. 6 hrs. of practice mgmt. permitted. Max. 8 hrs. insurance, gov. relations, tort liability, and risk mgmt. permitted.

Jan. 1 of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Self-study permitted. No limit. Post-test required.Credit for teaching in dental/dental hygiene/dental assisting program.6 hrs. credit for publishing papers.Off-campus clinical supervisors/clinical instruction supervisors in a CODA accredited program may receive 1 CE per 8 hrs. of supervision.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR 1 hr. infection control.

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Min. 31 hours in Dental and medical health, and dental hygiene services, periodontal disease, care of implants, maintenance of cosmetic restorations and sealants, radiology safety and techniques, managing medical emergencies, pain management, dental recordkeeping, dental public health, and new concepts in dental hygiene

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

3 hrs. CPR health care provider 3 hrs. infectious disease 3 hrs. chemical dependency, tobacco cessation, ethics, risk management or jurisprudence Max. 14 hrs. in dental hygiene practice organization and mgmt., patient mgmt. skills, and methods of health care delivery

Last day of the month of birth

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

12 ½ hrs. self-study permitted.Up to 5 hrs. non-clinical topics.Participation as WREB examiner or site-visitor.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR/BLS (max 4hrs.)2 hrs. infection control.2 hrs. CA Dental Practice ActCA Laws & Regulations

Feb. of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

16 of 30 hours must be clinical or science based. 50% of hours must be live and interactive. Can receive max of 6 hours for presenting.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

First birth month following issuance of license; yearly

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

no limit.8 hours of volunteer practice at a public health facility may be substituted for 1 hour of CE. Max 5 hours per 2-year period.”

CT Practice Act1 hr min. Infection Control1 hr min. Cultural Competency

$136(+$25 local anesthesia)

Dec. 31 of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 8 hrs. self-study permitted. Credit permitted for presenting or instructing course, publishing book or research.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR2 hrs. infection control.2 hrs. cultural competency1 hr. ethicsDC Regulations

May 31 of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 5 hrs. self-study permitted without test; 10 hrs. self-study with test.Max 5 hrs. /year for teaching.Max 5 hrs. /year for presenting.12 hours for publishing in a scientific journal.Practice management/personal self-improvement limited to 5 hrs. over the 2 years.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Feb. of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Board-approved self-study permitted.Credit for volunteer services; teaching in accredited programs; participation in board disciplinary/ peer review in proceedings.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (not included)2 hrs. domestic violence every 3rd biennium. 2 hrs. medical error.FL Rules

Dec. of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Self-study permitted.At least 15 hrs. must be scientifically-based.Can receive 1 hr. per 4 hrs. of uncompensated indigent care.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Dec. of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 8 hrs. of self-study permitted.Min. 11 hrs. of clinical courses.Max. 4 hrs. volunteering.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

BLS/CPR (max. 4 hrs., does not count towards clinical courses.)Eithics (2 hrs.)HI Admin Rules

$150 (addt. $25 for local anesthesia permit)

Aug 31 of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 12 hrs. self-study permitted.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (up to 3 hrs.)Abuse identification/reporting (every 3 years)Infection control (1 hr.)Jurisprudence (1 hr.)IA Code

March 31 of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Unlimited self-study permitted.Up to 10 hrs. volunteer work.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Sept. 30 every 3 years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

No more than 50% correspondence courses. No more than 50% through teaching CE courses. Up to 2 hrs. presenting volunteer community oral health education programs.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPRSexual harassment (1 hr)Implicit bias (1 hr)IL Admin Code

March 1st of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 9.5 hrs. self-study or distance learning permitted.9.5 hrs. live study required.No more than 5 hours on practice management.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (up to 2 hrs.)2 hrs. Law & EthicsIN Admin Code

December 1Even numbered licensees: even yearsOdd numbered licensees: odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Unlimited self-study permitted. Max 10 hrs. for presenting, lecturing, teaching.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (up to 4 hrs. towards CE)1 hr. ethicsKS Dental Laws & Regulations

Dec. 31 of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. of self-study permitted.All public health RDHs must complete 5 CE hours in the area of public health or public health dentistry

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (does not count toward hours)Min. 3 hrs. of medical emergency CE for RDH w/general supervision privileges and public health RDHs.KY Statutes & Regulations

$230(+$50 each for local anesthesia & nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia)

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

12 hrs. of personally attended clinical courses8 hrs. of clinical courses may be done online or via correspondence if they require post-course examNo more than 4 hours per biennial for pro bono treatment of donated dental service patient

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (required for general supervision up to 3 hrs. credit)LA Dental Practice Act

March 31 of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted.Max of 5 hours as faculty member or research appointee at a CODA approved school.Max of 10 hours for publications and presentations.Max 3 hrs. for pro-bono service.Max 2 hrs. for non-clinical practice related courses.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Between May 1 and June 30. For licenses ending in odd numbers, renew on odd years. For licenses ending in even numbers, renew on even years.

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 17 hrs. self-study permitted. Up to 8 hrs. voluntary dental hygiene service permitted.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPRInfection control (2 hrs.)Abuse and neglect up to 2 hrs. (every other cycle).Implicit Bias (one time)MD Dental Regulations

Jan. 1 odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted.Up to 25 hrs. for publications.12 of 36 hours must be live attendance.Up to 12 hrs. volunteer services

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR12 hrs. must be clinical.Infection control (1 hr.)Pain Management (2 hrs.) Human trafficking (one time)Implicit Bias (1 hr.)Ethics & Jurisprudence (1 hr.)MI Admin Code

Bi-annually. End of birth month in even or odd year linked to birth year.

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

10 hrs. elective (self-study and volunteer activities) permitted.15 hrs. fundamental required.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR towards CEInfection controlMN Statutes

$60 (up to additional $70 in other permits)

Nov. of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Unlimited self-study permitted.25 hrs. directly related to the updating and maintaining of knowledge and skills in the treatment, health, and safety of the individual dental patient.1 hr. CE for every 1 hr. of academic/clinical instruction.10 hr./year for full-time academic instructors5 hr./year for part-time academic instructorsUp to 16 hours for presenting

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 5 hrs. self-study permitted. Live, interactive webinars with post-test are exempt from self-study limit.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (up to 4 hrs.; up to 8 hrs. advanced CPR) MS Laws & Regulations

ADHA as approved course provider

Does notapprovesponsors-checkMT Rules

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Credit for presentation of CE courses.Up to 3.5 hrs. for volunteering.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Unlimited self-study permitted.2-4 hrs. for teaching faculty.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Dec. of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 8 hrs. self-study permitted. Credit for publications, seminars, symposiums, lectures, college courses.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPRInfection control (2 hrs.)2 hrs. of ethics or jurisprudence.2 hrs. in sedation if you hold an anesthesia permit.2 hrs. restorative if you hold a restorative permit ND Admin Code

March of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. home study permitted; Up to 2 hrs. each as a table clinician or lecturer or for direct clinical observation; Up to 4 hrs. each for CPR recertification or practice management; Up to 5 hrs. for faculty overseeing student dental hygiene or expanded function dental hygiene clinics, dental public health CE activities, well-being, or substance abuse CE activities or ethics and professionalism CE; Minimum of 2 hrs. in infection control required; Minimum of 2 hrs. in each area for which a licensee holds an expanded function permit; Maximum of 5 hrs. for participating in a volunteer activity such as Mission of Mercy or equivalent.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR and infection control (2 hrs minimum)

March 31st of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 4 hrs. self-study permitted.Min. 15 hrs. of clinical subjects

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (up to 3 hrs. every biennium)Min. 2 hours infection controlNH Admin Rules

Dec. of every odd year

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted.Up to 4 hrs. for teaching.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR (3 hrs.)Infection control (1 hr.)Ethics and Law (1 hr.)Opioids (1 hr.)NJ Rules & Regs

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 30 hrs. self-study permitted.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR/BLSInfection controlNM Admin Code

June of even years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

50% of credits (15 hours) permitted to be self-study; 6 hrs. in non-profit settings with 3 hrs. in volunteer services

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Bioterrorism course required within 2 yrs of initial licensure; 4 hrs. in infection control; CPR

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted.Up to 7 hrs. for teaching CE courses.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Infection controlChild abuse trainingNY Rules & Regs

Dec. of odd years

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Supervised self-instruction permitted.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

BLS; A maximum of 2 hrs. of CE for table clinics (original presentation of or documented viewing of table clinic at a professional meeting)

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Up to 10 hrs. self-study permitted.Up to 4 hours for volunteering.Max 2 hrs. for practice management

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

Sept. 30 (even or odd numbered year depending on initial license)

24(expanded practice permit requires 36)

ADHA as approved course provider

Self-Study and Volunteer Credits

Unlimited self-study permitted. Post-test required.Research, graduate study, teaching or preparation and presentation of scientific sessions permitted (max. 6 hrs. in teaching or scientific sessions).Max. 6 hrs. of volunteer hygiene services in OR.Max. 6 hrs. of community oral health instruction at a public health facility in OR.Max. 6 hrs. for authorship of a publication, book, chapter of a book, article or paper published in a professional journal.Max. 6 hrs. for participation on a state dental board, peer review, or quality of care review procedures.Max. 6 hrs. for test development for clinical dental hygiene examinations.

Special Requirements and Reporting Criteria

CPR Medical emergencies (3 hrs.) Max. 6 hrs. Dental Hygiene Examination, taken after initial licensure. Infection control (2 hrs.) Cultural competency (2 hrs.) Max 2 hrs. on patient relations and practice management. Addt. required classes for NO certificate holders. OR Admin Rules